To check the Outlook build, see What version of Outlook do I have?.
Starting in Outlook 365, version 1809 (build 10872.20138), scenario 5 should work successfully.Starting in Outlook 365, version 1807 (build 10730.20088), scenario 4 should work successfully.Starting in Outlook 365, version 1806 (build 10228.20080), scenarios 1, 2, and 3 should work successfully.As fixes are made for the problem scenarios, the fixed build information will be listed in this article. Causeīecause of the many variables that are involved in saving files to a file system (network versus local, security implications, permission requirements, and so on), the technology that is used by Microsoft Outlook in this feature set area does not guarantee successful saves in all scenarios in older builds. Verify the path is correct" error message. Even though the file is successfully saved, you receive a "Path does not exist. From the Save All dialog box, you select a single file to save. You select Save All Attachments for an email message that has multiple attachments. Scenario 5 - Path error when saving a single file from the Save All dialog However, you do not receive an error message. When you try to save all attachments from an email message to the H:\ folder, the save is not successful. For example, the \\server\share\ folder has been mapped to the H:\ folder. You have mapped a network share to a drive letter.
Scenario 4 - Can't save an attachment to a network drive that has been mapped If you use the Save As option to save the single attachment, the save is not successful. Verify the path and file name are correct error message. If you use the Save All Attachments option, you receive a Cannot find this file. You try to save the attachment to a network location, but the save is not successful. Someone sends you a modern attachment, which is a link to a file that is stored in a cloud location. Scenario 3- Can't save Share Link style OneDrive attachment to a network file location File name or directory names is not valid error message. However, the files are not successfully saved, and you receive a Cannot save the Attachment. You select Save All Attachments for an email message that has multiple attachments, and you specify a SharePoint online location as the destination. Scenario 2 - Can't Save All to a SharePoint online site library location Instead, you are returned to the file list, and you receive no error message. However, the files are not successfully saved to the network location. You select Save All Attachments for an email message that has multiple attachments, and you specify a network location as the destination. Scenario 1 - Can't Save All to a network file location You can also select Save Attachments on the File menu. But there are several scenarios in which you can't save the attachment as expected. For example, you can right-click an attachment in the attachment well, and then select Save All. Outlook allows saving files to local or network drives, and the functionality can be accessed from different places in the Outlook user interface. In this process, you have the option to save each attachment one at a time or to save all the attachments at the same time.
Microsoft Outlook provides a feature set for saving attachments to an email message.